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用户1817605 2014-11-13 13:54
TVS管P6KE系列 P6KE30A的实用应用指南
目前的实际应用中, TVS 管广泛应用于半导体及敏感器件的保护,通常用于二级保护。基本都会是用于在陶瓷气体放电管之后的二级保护,也有用户直接将其用于产 ...
用户1647523 2014-11-13 11:23
W5500自去年9月推出,已经有一年的时间。一年间,不乏很多客户纷纷将目光投向了W5500这颗性价比很高的全新硬件TCP/IP以太网芯片,无论是在工控、安防、 ...
用户1023015 2014-11-13 10:40
手机天线厂商在刚刚享受了4G多模多频对天线的爆发式需求后,好日子将转瞬即逝。   越来越多的天线已经直接集成到手机机壳中,不论是像三星这样的 ...
李凯的技术博客 2014-11-13 10:31
为什么数字工程师需要射频知识?       在很多高速应用如计算机、通信等领域,很多数字总线的数据速率都达到了Gb/s以上甚至更高。传统 ...
用户3826190 2014-11-12 18:13
Vetinari clock: The sound effects
Well, things are bouncing cheerily along, as they do. With regard to my previous column about locking down the final layout for my Vetinari Clock ...
用户3813345 2014-11-12 17:45
Bosch enhances driving, riding safety
Bosch truly deserves a big hand of applause. It seems to have a good instinct for where to use and promote its MEMS-based sensor technology. In thi ...
用户3813345 2014-11-12 17:35
Ensuring continued professional devt
To ensure that I remain current and up-to-date throughout my career as a Chartered Engineer (the UK equivalent of a Professional Engineer), I am re ...
用户3813345 2014-11-12 17:33
Christmas lights: Worst connector ever designed!
My father and I jokingly share that the main reason for divorce in the US has to be putting up the Christmas tree (specifically, stringing lights). ...
用户3813345 2014-11-12 17:29
From the basics to the complicated stuff
You have probably seen our own inscrutable Max Maxfield's recent blog on iPod/iPad/iPhone headphone output . He started by explaining some fairly ...
用户3519980 2014-11-12 17:24
Discussions on IP (Part 5)
At the end of the previous instalment of this experts' roundtable, we were discussing the number of IP companies being bought by EDA companies. W ...
用户3519980 2014-11-12 17:24
Discussions on IP (Part 6)
In the previous instalment of this experts' roundtable we covered the advantages EDA companies may have in developing and licensing IP. Today we ...
用户3519980 2014-11-12 17:19
Modify PS controller for muscular dystrophy (Part 2)
I am quite happy to announce that the Playstation 3 controller has been modded and has been delivered to someone who needs it. If you don't remembe ...
用户3519980 2014-11-12 17:18
Modify PS controller for muscular dystrophy (Part 1)
In my free time I run the website Thecontrollerproject.com . It is a project in which volunteer tinkerers customise existing interfaces at the req ...
用户3519980 2014-11-12 17:17
Singing praises to airlines, the 50Ω kind
At DesignCon last year, Al Neves, the self-proclaimed signal integrity (SI) Practitioner shared that he uses airlines every week. He's also the Chi ...
用户3519980 2014-11-12 17:17
The best scope for hacking PCBs at home
These days, life is a wonderful thing for the open hardware hacker and hobbyist. Ten years ago, electronic industry professionals could have only d ...
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