- Regulated Output with Input Voltage Above,Below, or Equal to the Output.
- 1A Output Current at 3.3V in Step DownMode (VIN = 3.6V to 5.5V).
- Up to 800mA Output Current at 3.3V inBoost Mode (VIN > 2.8V).
- Single Inductor.2.5V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range.
- Fixed and Adjustable Output Voltage Optionsfrom 1.8V to 5.5V.
- Up to 95% Efficiency.
- Stable with Low ESR Ceramic Capacitors.
- No Schottky Diode Required.
- Output Disconnect in Shutdown.
- <1uA Shutdown Current.
- <65uA Quiescent Current.
- Power Saving Mode for Improved Light Effi-ciency Operation.
- Forced Fixed Frequency Operation Mode.
- Load Disconnect During Shutdown.
- Undervoltage Lockout Protection.
- 2、Applications
- All Three-Cell Alkaline, NiCd or NiMH or Sin-gle-Cell Li Battery
- MP3 Players
- Handheld Instruments
- Digital Cameras
- Smart Phones
- Portable GPS Units
- Miniature Hard Disk Drive Power
- 3、Description
The PL9001 is a 1.0A output, low-noise,pulse-width-modulated (PWM) buck-boost DC-DC converter that operates from input voltageabove, below, or equal to the output voltage.The device features two internal synchronousrectifiers for high efficiency; it requires no ex-ternal Schottky diode. Internally fixed-frequency 2.5MHz operation provides easypost-filtering and allows the use of small induc-tors and capacitors. At low load currents theconverter enters the Power Saving Mode tomaintain a high efficiency over a wide loadrange. The Power Saving Mode could be dis-abled, forcing PL9001 to operate atPWM mode. The PL9001 is ideally suited forsingle Li-Ion battery applications. It is alsouseful for three-cell alkaline, NiMH, or NiCdapplications. Shutdown mode places thedevice in standby, reducing quiescent supplycurrent to under 1μA.Other features of the PL9001 include internalsoft-start, internal compensation, short circuitprotection, current limit, and over temperatureprotection. The device is packaged in a 10-pinDFN package measuring 3 mm x 3 mm.
原厂代理,更多详情请咨询 深圳市芯美力科技有限公司 黄先生:19928739245(微同) QQ:541777848