AP5503 60V DC / DC大功率升降压恒流驱动器
描述AP5503是一款电流模式DC / DC升降压恒流驱动器,具有用于驱动LED的外部功率NMOS。 AP5503在降压,升压和降压 - 升压模式下用作LED驱动器。 LED电流采用120mV检测电阻进行外部编程。在500KHz的工作频率下,外部电感和输入/输出电容都可以很小。调光可以是模拟,PWM或PWM转换为模拟与外部电容器。AP5503采用MSOP-10(FD)封装。
特征高电压:VIN高达60V,VOUT高达60V降压,升压或降压 - 升压操作具有500KHz和200KHz开关频率的电流模式PWM简单的调光:通过一个外部电容将模拟,PWM或PWM转换成模拟信号软启动以避免浪涌电流可编程过电压保护可限制输出电压VIN欠压闭锁和热关断MSOP-10(FD)包装
AP5503 60V DC/DC Buck-Boost Configuration ConverterDescriptionThe AP5503 is a current mode DC/DC converter with outside power NMOS designed to drive LEDs. The AP5503 operates as a LED driver in buck, boost and buck-boost mode. The LED current is externally pro-grammable with a 120mV sense resistor. With a 500KHz operating frequency, the external inductor and input/output capacitors can all be small. Dimming can be either analog, PWM, or PWM converting to analog with an external capacitor.The AP5503 is available in MSOP-10 (FD) package.FeaturesHigh Voltage : VIN up to 60V, VOUT up to 60VBuck, Boost or Buck-Boost OperationCurrent Mode PWM with 500KHz and 200KHz Switching FrequencyEasy dimming : Analog, PWM or PWM Con-verting to Analog with One External CapacitorSoft Start to Avoid Inrush CurrentProgrammable Over Voltage Protection to Limit Output VoltageVIN Under Voltage Lockout and Thermal Shut-downMSOP-10 (FD) Package
系曾生:13410492646 Q Q:3004825478可提供IC测试板和配套方案。
车灯驱动方案自行车灯驱动IC电动车灯驱动IC电瓶车灯驱动IC车灯驱动IC摩托车灯驱动IC汽车前车灯驱动ICRGB户外驱动ICLED手电筒IC世微半导体强势供应1-15W手电筒方案供应世微1W 3W 5W 10W 15W手电筒矿灯IC供应世微单节干电池,双节干电池升压恒流1-3W方案供应世微单节锂电池,或双节多节锂电流降压恒流1-20W方案供应世微激光,强光,防爆手电筒方案供应市面最流行的LED手电筒方案供应世微全亮,半亮,闪,SOS三四段功能IC供应世微稀少的手电矿灯方案强势供应大功率自行车灯IC方案供应世微LED山地自行车灯大灯,超亮车前灯IC供应世微LED自行车灯尾灯,警示灯,头盔灯IC供应世微LED自行车磨电机供电方案