- 评测RA2E1,收到的开发板是RA-Eco-RA2L1-48PIN
- 没有接外部高速晶振,有外部低速晶振
浅谈各种常见的芯片封装技术DIP/SOP/QFP/PGA/BGA https://blog.csdn.net/LEON1741/article/details/104783084
【瑞萨 RA2E1】+e2studio软件下载、安装和创建工程:点亮一个LED https://mbb.eet-china.com/forum/topic/126703_1_1.html
示例程序和原理图 https://gitee.com/ramcu/ra-eco-ra2-l1-48-pin
- 时钟
XTAL 外部时钟
SUBCLK 外部低速时钟,在低功耗模式下可以作为主时钟
板子没有焊接高速外部时钟, 这里使用片内高速时钟作为主时钟
LED 100ms交替闪烁的程序
* main() is generated by the RA Configuration editor and is used to generate threads if an RTOS is used. This function
* is called by main() when no RTOS is used. **********************************************************************************************************************/void hal_entry(void){ /* TODO: add your own code here */ while(1) { R_IOPORT_PinWrite(&g_ioport_ctrl, LED1, BSP_IO_LEVEL_HIGH); R_IOPORT_PinWrite(&g_ioport_ctrl, LED2, BSP_IO_LEVEL_LOW); R_BSP_SoftwareDelay(100, BSP_DELAY_UNITS_MILLISECONDS); R_IOPORT_PinWrite(&g_ioport_ctrl, LED1, BSP_IO_LEVEL_LOW); R_IOPORT_PinWrite(&g_ioport_ctrl, LED2, BSP_IO_LEVEL_HIGH); R_BSP_SoftwareDelay(100, BSP_DELAY_UNITS_MILLISECONDS); }#if BSP_TZ_SECURE_BUILD /* Enter non-secure code */ R_BSP_NonSecureEnter();#endif}复制代码
Interrupt Controller Unit (ICU) 中断控制器单元(ICU)控制哪些事件信号连接到嵌套矢量中断控制器(NVIC)和数据传输控制器(DTC)模块。ICU还控制不可屏蔽中断。
Key Interrupt Function (KINT)按键中断函数(KINT)通过检测按键中断输入引脚上的上升沿或下降沿来产生按键中断。
#include "hal_data.h"
#define USER_SW_IRQ_NUMBER (0x07) //EK_RA2L1 and EK_RA2E1 board/* Boolean flag to determine switch is pressed or not.*/volatile bool g_sw_press = false;FSP_CPP_HEADERvoid R_BSP_WarmStart(bsp_warm_start_event_t event);FSP_CPP_FOOTER/*******************************************************************************************************************//** * main() is generated by the RA Configuration editor and is used to generate threads if an RTOS is used. This function * is called by main() when no RTOS is used. **********************************************************************************************************************/void hal_entry(void){ /* TODO: add your own code here */// fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS; bsp_io_level_t led_current_state = (bsp_io_level_t) 0x01; /* Initialize External IRQ driver*/ /* Enable External IRQ driver*/ R_ICU_ExternalIrqOpen(&g_external_irq_ctrl, &g_external_irq_cfg); R_ICU_ExternalIrqEnable(&g_external_irq_ctrl); /* Main loop */ while (true) { /* Toggle user LED when user pushbutton is pressed*/ if(true == g_sw_press) { /* Clear user pushbutton flag */ g_sw_press = false; /* Read user LED pin */ R_IOPORT_PinRead(&g_ioport_ctrl, LED1, &led_current_state); /* Reverse LED pin state*/ led_current_state ^= BSP_IO_LEVEL_HIGH; /* Toggle user LED */ R_IOPORT_PinWrite(&g_ioport_ctrl, LED1, led_current_state); R_IOPORT_PinRead(&g_ioport_ctrl, LED2, &led_current_state); led_current_state ^= BSP_IO_LEVEL_HIGH; R_IOPORT_PinWrite(&g_ioport_ctrl, LED2, led_current_state); } }#if BSP_TZ_SECURE_BUILD /* Enter non-secure code */ R_BSP_NonSecureEnter();#endif}/*******************************************************************************************************************//** * This function is called at various points during the startup process. This implementation uses the event that is * called right before main() to set up the pins. * * @param[in] event Where at in the start up process the code is currently at **********************************************************************************************************************/void R_BSP_WarmStart(bsp_warm_start_event_t event){ if (BSP_WARM_START_RESET == event) {#if BSP_FEATURE_FLASH_LP_VERSION != 0 /* Enable reading from data flash. */ R_FACI_LP->DFLCTL = 1U; /* Would normally have to wait tDSTOP(6us) for data flash recovery. Placing the enable here, before clock and * C runtime initialization, should negate the need for a delay since the initialization will typically take more than 6us. */#endif } if (BSP_WARM_START_POST_C == event) { /* C runtime environment and system clocks are setup. */ /* Configure pins. */ R_IOPORT_Open (&g_ioport_ctrl, g_ioport.p_cfg); }}/*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief User defined external irq callback. * @param[IN] p_args * @retval None **********************************************************************************************************************/void irq_ep_callback(external_irq_callback_args_t *p_args){ /* Make sure it's the right interrupt*/ if(USER_SW_IRQ_NUMBER == p_args->channel) { g_sw_press = true; }}#if BSP_TZ_SECURE_BUILDBSP_CMSE_NONSECURE_ENTRY void template_nonsecure_callable ();/* Trustzone Secure Projects require at least one nonsecure callable function in order to build (Remove this if it is not required to build). */BSP_CMSE_NONSECURE_ENTRY void template_nonsecure_callable (){}#endif复制代码
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]
void hal_entry(void)
{ /* TODO: add your own code here */ fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS;// unsigned char rByte[BUFFER_SIZE_DOWN] = {RESET_VALUE}; uint32_t time_period_ms_oneshot = RESET_VALUE; uint32_t time_period_ms_periodic = RESET_VALUE; uint32_t raw_counts_oneshot = RESET_VALUE; uint32_t raw_counts_periodic = RESET_VALUE; timer_info_t one_shot_info = { .clock_frequency = RESET_VALUE, .count_direction = (timer_direction_t) RESET_VALUE, .period_counts = RESET_VALUE, }; timer_info_t periodic_info = { .clock_frequency = RESET_VALUE, .count_direction = (timer_direction_t) RESET_VALUE, .period_counts = RESET_VALUE, }; uint32_t clock_freq = RESET_VALUE; /* Initialize AGT driver */ R_AGT_Open(&g_timer_one_shot_ctrl, &g_timer_one_shot_cfg); /* Open Timer1 in Periodic mode */ R_AGT_Open(&g_timer_periodic_ctrl, &g_timer_periodic_cfg); time_period_ms_oneshot = 2000; /*设置LED灯闪烁时间,单位是毫秒*/ time_period_ms_periodic = 100; /* Calculation of raw counts value for given milliseconds value */ err = R_AGT_InfoGet(&g_timer_periodic_ctrl, &periodic_info); /* Handle error */ if(FSP_SUCCESS != err) { R_AGT_Close(&g_timer_one_shot_ctrl); R_AGT_Close(&g_timer_periodic_ctrl); } /* Depending on the user selected clock source, raw counts value can be calculated * for the user given time-period values */ clock_freq = periodic_info.clock_frequency; raw_counts_periodic = (uint32_t)((time_period_ms_periodic * clock_freq ) / 1000); /* Set period value */ err = R_AGT_PeriodSet(&g_timer_periodic_ctrl, raw_counts_periodic); /* Handle error */ if (FSP_SUCCESS != err) { R_AGT_Close(&g_timer_one_shot_ctrl); R_AGT_Close(&g_timer_periodic_ctrl); } R_AGT_Start(&g_timer_periodic_ctrl); for(;;) { }}复制代码