
;Remove spaces at the beginning and end of a stringDATA SEGMENT string DB ' a string for testing. ',0 length DW $-string ;length of the string DATA ENDS CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODE, DS:DATA START: MOV AX, DATA MOV DS, AX LEA SI, string BEGIN: ;Set beginning pointer of the new string CMP [SI], ' ' ;Find spaces, skip them JNE NEXT INC SI JMP BEGIN NEXT: ;Shift DI to the end of the initial string LEA DI, string MOV AX, length ;Load length of the string to AX ADD DI, AX SUB DI, 2 ;Move DI to the end of the string THIRD: ;Shift DI to the end of the new string CMP [DI], ' ' JNE LAST DEC DI JMP THIRD LAST: ;display the new string on screen INC DI MOV byte ptr[DI], '0' ;string ends with 0 INC DI MOV byte ptr[DI], ' MOV AH, 09H MOV DX, SI ;Set offset adress INT 21H CODE ENDS END START