. SPI Falsh 采用了GD自家的芯片:GD25Q16,参数如下:
存储器构架(格式) | FLASH | |
存储器接口类型 | SPI | |
存储器容量 | 16Mb (2M x 8) | |
工作电压 | 2.7V ~ 3.6V | |
存储器类型 | Non-Volatile |
void SPI_Flash_Test(void){ uint8_t tx_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; uint8_t rx_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; printf("\r\nWrite to tx_buffer:\r\n"); for(int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i ++) { tx_buffer = i; printf("0x%02X ",tx_buffer); if(31 == i%32) printf("\n\r"); } /* erases the specified flash sector */ spi_flash_sector_erase(FLASH_WRITE_ADDRESS); /* write tx_buffer data to the flash */ spi_flash_buffer_write(tx_buffer,FLASH_WRITE_ADDRESS,BUFFER_SIZE); printf("\n\r\n\rRead from rx_buffer:\n\r\n\r"); /* read a block of data from the flash to rx_buffer */ spi_flash_buffer_read(rx_buffer,FLASH_READ_ADDRESS,BUFFER_SIZE); /* printf rx_buffer value */ for(int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i ++) { printf("0x%02X ", rx_buffer); if(31 == i%32) printf("\n\r"); } }
- #ifndef GD25QXX_H
- #define GD25QXX_H
- #include "gd32e50x.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define VERSION_ID "1.0.0"
- #define SFLASH_ID 0xC84015
- #define FLASH_WRITE_ADDRESS 0x000000
- #define WRITE 0x02 /* write to memory instruction */
- #define WRSR 0x01 /* write status register instruction */
- #define WREN 0x06 /* write enable instruction */
- #define READ 0x03 /* read from memory instruction */
- #define RDSR 0x05 /* read status register instruction */
- #define RDID 0x9F /* read identification */
- #define SE 0x20 /* sector erase instruction */
- #define BE 0xC7 /* bulk erase instruction */
- #define WIP_FLAG 0x01 /* write in progress(wip)flag */
- #define DUMMY_BYTE 0xA5
- #define SPI_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE 0x100
- #define SPI_FLASH_CS_LOW() gpio_bit_reset(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_3)
- #define SPI_FLASH_CS_HIGH() gpio_bit_set(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_3)
- /* initialize SPI0 GPIO and parameter */
- void spi_flash_init(void);
- /* erase the specified flash sector */
- void spi_flash_sector_erase(uint32_t sector_addr);
- /* erase the entire flash */
- void spi_flash_bulk_erase(void);
- /* write more than one byte to the flash */
- void spi_flash_page_write(uint8_t* pbuffer,uint32_t write_addr,uint16_t num_byte_to_write);
- /* write block of data to the flash */
- void spi_flash_buffer_write(uint8_t* pbuffer,uint32_t write_addr,uint16_t num_byte_to_write);
- /* read a block of data from the flash */
- void spi_flash_buffer_read(uint8_t* pbuffer,uint32_t read_addr,uint16_t num_byte_to_read);
- /* read flash identification */
- uint32_t spi_flash_read_id(void);
- /* initiate a read data byte (read) sequence from the flash */
- void spi_flash_start_read_sequence(uint32_t read_addr);
- /* read a byte from the SPI flash */
- uint8_t spi_flash_read_byte(void);
- /* send a byte through the SPI interface and return the byte received from the SPI bus */
- uint8_t spi_flash_send_byte(uint8_t byte);
- /* send a half word through the SPI interface and return the half word received from the SPI bus */
- uint16_t spi_flash_send_halfword(uint16_t half_word);
- /* enable the write access to the flash */
- void spi_flash_write_enable(void);
- /* poll the status of the write in progress (wip) flag in the flash's status register */
- void spi_flash_wait_for_write_end(void);
- void SPI_Flash_Test(void);
- #endif /* GD25QXX_H */