为了说明这是如何工作的,我们将使用一个简单的蜂鸣器将文本转换为可听的摩尔斯电码信号。通过使用Arduino IDE中的串行监视器,您在计算机上输入的信息可以被转换为摩尔斯电码音调。值得注意的是,只需要进行少量修改,同样的方法就可以用于通过LED传达信息,因为这两种设备都可以被快速打开和关闭。
在硬件方面,您不需要太多组件来完成该项目工作。但是,如果您是编码新手,那么您可能会希望能够分块进行该项目。这不是很复杂的代码,但是您需要了解数组 和 switch cases 语句的工作原理。请记住要点,然后进行接下来的工作。
Arduino Uno |
一个面包板 |
Arduino IDE |
一个蜂鸣器 |
- int buzzer = 8; // Assign buzzer to pin 8
- int note = 1000; // Set the pitch for the buzzer tone
- int timeUnit = 100; // This variable will be used to measure dots, dashes, breaks, and pauses
- char input; // Variable to save the input to
- void setup () {
- Serial.begin(9600);//for the connect with the boared
- }
- void loop () {
- if (Serial.available()) {
- input = Serial.read();//read the input
- if (input == ‘a’ || input == ‘A’) {lA();}//if the input is a or A go to function lA
- if (input == ‘b’ || input == ‘B’) {lB();}//same but with b letter
- if (input == ‘c’ || input == ‘C’) {lC();}
- if (input == ‘d’ || input == ‘D’) {lD();}
- if (input == ‘e’ || input == ‘E’) {lE();}
- if (input == ‘f’ || input == ‘F’) {lF();}
- if (input == ‘g’ || input == ‘G’) {lG();}
- if (input == ‘h’ || input == ‘H’) {lH();}
- if (input == ‘i’ || input == ‘I’) {lI();}
- if (input == ‘j’ || input == ‘J’) {lJ();}
- if (input == ‘k’ || input == ‘K’) {lK();}
- if (input == ‘l’ || input == ‘L’) {lL();}
- if (input == ‘m’ || input == ‘M’) {lM();}
- if (input == ‘n’ || input == ‘N’) {lN();}
- if (input == ‘o’ || input == ‘O’) {lO();}
- if (input == ‘p’ || input == ‘P’) {lP();}
- if (input == ‘q’ || input == ‘Q’) {lQ();}
- if (input == ‘r’ || input == ‘R’) {lR();}
- if (input == ‘s’ || input == ‘S’) {lS();}
- if (input == ‘t’ || input == ‘T’) {lT();}
- if (input == ‘u’ || input == ‘U’) {lU();}
- if (input == ‘v’ || input == ‘V’) {lV();}
- if (input == ‘w’ || input == ‘W’) {lW();}
- if (input == ‘x’ || input == ‘X’) {lX();}
- if (input == ‘y’ || input == ‘Y’) {lY();}
- if (input == ‘z’ || input == ‘Z’) {lZ();}
- if (input == ‘ ‘) {wordPause();}
- Serial.println (input);
- }
- }
- //Letter functions
- void lA () {dot();dash();letterPause();}//letter A in morse code!
- void lB () {dash();dot();dot();dot();letterPause();}//same for B
- void lC () {dash();dot();dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lD () {dash();dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void lE () {dot();letterPause();}
- void lF () {dot();dot();dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lG () {dash();dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lH () {dot();dot();dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void lI () {dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void lJ () {dot();dash();dash();dash();letterPause();}
- void lK () {dash();dot();dash();letterPause();}
- void lL () {dot();dash();dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void lM () {dash();dash();letterPause();}
- void lN () {dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lO () {dash();dash();dash();letterPause();}
- void lP () {dot();dash();dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lQ () {dash();dash();dot();dash();letterPause();}
- void lR () {dot();dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lS () {dot();dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void lT () {dash();letterPause();}
- void lU () {dot();dot();dash();letterPause();}
- void lV () {dot();dot();dot();dash();letterPause();}
- void lW () {dot();dash();dash();letterPause();}
- void lX () {dash();dot();dot();dash();letterPause();}
- void lY () {dash();dot();dash();dash();letterPause();}
- void lZ () {dash();dash();dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void dot() //Emit sound for 100 milliseconds
- {
- tone(buzzer, note, timeUnit);
- delay(timeUnit * 2);
- }
- void dash() //Emit sound for 300 milliseconds
- {
- tone(buzzer, note, timeUnit * 3);
- delay(timeUnit * 4);
- }
- void letterPause() //Delay between letters for 300 milliseconds
- {
- delay(timeUnit * 3);
- }
- void wordPause()
- {
- delay (timeUnit * 7);
- }
- int buzzer = 8; // Assign buzzer to pin 8
- int note = 1000; // Set the pitch for the buzzer tone
- int timeUnit = 100; // This variable will be used to measure dots, dashes, breaks, and pauses
- char input; // Variable to save the input to
- void setup () {
- Serial.begin(9600);//for the connect with the boared
- }
- void loop () {
- if (Serial.available()) {
- input = Serial.read();//read the input
- if (input == ‘a’ || input == ‘A’) {lA();}//if the input is a or A go to function lA
- if (input == ‘b’ || input == ‘B’) {lB();}//same but with b letter
- if (input == ‘c’ || input == ‘C’) {lC();}
- if (input == ‘d’ || input == ‘D’) {lD();}
- if (input == ‘e’ || input == ‘E’) {lE();}
- if (input == ‘f’ || input == ‘F’) {lF();}
- if (input == ‘g’ || input == ‘G’) {lG();}
- if (input == ‘h’ || input == ‘H’) {lH();}
- if (input == ‘i’ || input == ‘I’) {lI();}
- if (input == ‘j’ || input == ‘J’) {lJ();}
- if (input == ‘k’ || input == ‘K’) {lK();}
- if (input == ‘l’ || input == ‘L’) {lL();}
- if (input == ‘m’ || input == ‘M’) {lM();}
- if (input == ‘n’ || input == ‘N’) {lN();}
- if (input == ‘o’ || input == ‘O’) {lO();}
- if (input == ‘p’ || input == ‘P’) {lP();}
- if (input == ‘q’ || input == ‘Q’) {lQ();}
- if (input == ‘r’ || input == ‘R’) {lR();}
- if (input == ‘s’ || input == ‘S’) {lS();}
- if (input == ‘t’ || input == ‘T’) {lT();}
- if (input == ‘u’ || input == ‘U’) {lU();}
- if (input == ‘v’ || input == ‘V’) {lV();}
- if (input == ‘w’ || input == ‘W’) {lW();}
- if (input == ‘x’ || input == ‘X’) {lX();}
- if (input == ‘y’ || input == ‘Y’) {lY();}
- if (input == ‘z’ || input == ‘Z’) {lZ();}
- if (input == ‘ ‘) {wordPause();}//the space
- Serial.println (input);//print the latter saved in the input var
- }
- }
- //Letter functions
- void lA () {dot();dash();letterPause();}//letter A in morse code!
- void lB () {dash();dot();dot();dot();letterPause();}//same for B
- void lC () {dash();dot();dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lD () {dash();dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void lE () {dot();letterPause();}
- void lF () {dot();dot();dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lG () {dash();dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lH () {dot();dot();dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void lI () {dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void lJ () {dot();dash();dash();dash();letterPause();}
- void lK () {dash();dot();dash();letterPause();}
- void lL () {dot();dash();dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void lM () {dash();dash();letterPause();}
- void lN () {dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lO () {dash();dash();dash();letterPause();}
- void lP () {dot();dash();dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lQ () {dash();dash();dot();dash();letterPause();}
- void lR () {dot();dash();dot();letterPause();}
- void lS () {dot();dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void lT () {dash();letterPause();}
- void lU () {dot();dot();dash();letterPause();}
- void lV () {dot();dot();dot();dash();letterPause();}
- void lW () {dot();dash();dash();letterPause();}
- void lX () {dash();dot();dot();dash();letterPause();}
- void lY () {dash();dot();dash();dash();letterPause();}
- void lZ () {dash();dash();dot();dot();letterPause();}
- void dot() //Emit sound for 100 milliseconds
- {
- tone(buzzer, note, timeUnit);
- delay(timeUnit * 2);
- }
- void dash() //Emit sound for 300 milliseconds
- {
- tone(buzzer, note, timeUnit * 3);
- delay(timeUnit * 4);
- }
- void letterPause() //Delay between letters for 300 milliseconds
- {
- delay(timeUnit * 3);
- }
- void wordPause()
- {
- delay (timeUnit * 7);
- }
我们还将定义letterPause() 和wordPause()函数。前者完全由三个时间单位延迟组成,它用于在消息的每个字母之间设置300毫秒静音,让您可以将不同的字母区分开来。后者是最长的延迟时间,七个时间单位,或者700毫秒。这将在监视器读取到一个空格时运行,表明一个新单词的开始。