Supply chains consist of parties that directly or indirectly satisfy the requirements of customers, including not only manufacturers and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers and even customers themselves.
The supply chain is dynamic, including the continuous flow of information, products and funds between different links, the main purpose is to meet the needs of customers, and on this basis to create their own profits, maximize the overall value of the supply chain.
Supply chain decision-making can be divided into three stages: supply chain strategy or design, supply chain planning and supply chain operation. The supply chain strategy or design stage determines the resource allocation of the supply chain for a number of years; the supply chain planning stage determines the next quarter to a year of enterprise planning, under given resource allocation conditions, forecasting market demand, make plans for production, marketing, promotion, etc. . The goal is to maximize the surplus of the supply chain. The time of operation of the supply chain is week or day. The resource allocation and plan have been determined, and the uncertainty of demand is lower, make decisions based on customer orders, with the goal of handling incoming customer orders in the best possible way.
The supply chain is observed from two aspects: circular view and push-pull view. All supply chains can be divided into four processes: Customer Order cycle, replenishment cycle, manufacturing cycle and purchasing cycle. Each cycle includes six sub-processes The pull process executes the order based on the customer order; the push process executes the order based on the forecast of the customer order.
The supply chain in an enterprise can include three macroscopical processes: Customer Relationship Management, internal supply chain management and supplier relationship management.
参考教材:《供应链管理》,苏尼尔乔普拉 彼得迈因德尔著。