Learn to Program with C teaches computer programming to the complete beginner using the native C language. As such, it assumes you have no knowledge whatsoever about programming. The main goal of this book is to teach fundamental programming principles using C, one of the most widely used programming languages in the world today.
We discuss only those features and statements in C that are necessary to achieve our goal. Once you learn the principles well, they can be applied to any language. If you are worried that you are not good at high-school mathematics, don’t be. It is a myth that you must be good at mathematics to learn programming.
C is considered a ‘modern’ language even though its roots date back to the 1970s. Originally, C was designed for writing ‘systems’ programs―things like operating systems, editors, compilers, assemblers and input/output utility programs. But, today, C is used for writing all kinds of applications programs as well―word processing programs, spreadsheet programs, database management programs, accounting programs, games, robots, embedded systems/electronics (i.e., Arduino), educational software―the list is endless.

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