A fully automated robotic ESD gun tester. An ESD gun is mounted on a six axis robot. The gun, test positions and conditions are fully controlled by the SmartZap software. Integrated conductive brush removes residual charges in the DUT.
        The SmartZap is a fully automated ESD gun tester with automatic failure detection capability, providing far superior performance than manual zap gun test. It is complying IEC61000-4-2 test standard.  
Advantage of SmartZap, fully automated ESD Gun Tester
                        SmartZap Main Features:                                        Standard Features:
-        Support of any ESD gun model
-        Five sides zap (top and four sides)
-        Automated failure detection
-        Pick and placing
-        Gun tip change (contact ←→ air)
-        Connector plug/unplug
-        DUT flipping
Standard Features:
-        Customizable report generation
-        Test point definition by graphic interface
-        Test point definition by DUT CAD model
-        Automatic DUT offset correction
-        Key press and touch screen fingers
-        Discharge brush
-        IEC 61000 – 4 – 2 compliant zap table
-        Pin test
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Advantage of SmartZap, fully automated ESD Gun Tester

Zap point definition:                                                        -        Zap point are defined either over pictures taken by five cameras or DUT CAD model  
微信图片_20200226181713.png 3.png Advantage of SmartZap, fully automated ESD Gun Tester

Failure detection:                                                        -        FD module includes monitoring of four analog and four digital signals, input from photo sensors and 1KHz sound, communication with a call box, a relay and a 120V/5Amp power supply for DUT power cycle.
-        Boolean operation of monitoring signals to sort out failure type.
-        Macro function for step by step control of failure detection and power cycle procedures. 4.png                                 Advantage of SmartZap, fully automated ESD Gun Tester                       
Automated features:                                                        –All automated functions done by pneumatic without additional electrically powered accessories.
-        DUT pick-and-placing
-        Gun tip change
-        Connector plug/unplug
-        DUT flipping
-        DUT offset correction: automatic adjustment of defined test points when the DUT is placed slight off from the original position.                        
Report generation:                                                        -        User can customize report templates
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